Huntington Beach CA

Huntington Beach CA

Huntington Beach CA

The most populous beach city in Orange County, Huntington Beach CA boasts 9.5 miles of sandy beaches and some of the most consistent year-round surf conditions. Huntington Beach CA is proud to call itself “Surf City” and embraces its beach culture and surf lifestyle. The US Open of Surfing is held here every summer. Though the waters are good for surfing year round, most locals look inland for entertainment in fall and winter, attending events like the SoCal Independent Film Festival in September. Acacia Home Health Services is dedicated to helping individuals who live in Huntington Beach CA receive the therapeutic, short term or long term home health care they need to manage a variety of serious medical conditions. Our trustworthy nurses, home aides, therapists, and counselors come right to the patient’s home to provide professional, compassionate, and ethical care. We can handle just about any need from temporary assistance with bathing and dressing to ongoing palliative or hospice care.